Pilot Plant

The José Marti Sugar Pilot Plant of the Central University “Marta Abreu " of Las Villas began its operations on January 28, 1965 with the initial target to train the future professionals of the university in the facilities of this one, representative of a limited-scale sugar mill. Nevertheless, after being created in the same date, the Center of Sugar Investigations and its Derivatives (CITADE), it was clearly defined the research-teaching character of the above-mentioned plant.

During the passed years, the Sugar Pilot Plant has developed diverse activities following the already mentioned path, such as: Development of teaching - productive practices with the participation of students of Faculties related to the sugar agribusiness. Research development related to the technological sugar process that has resulted in successful defenses of degree courses, master's degrees and doctorates. Evaluation of the behavior of varieties of sugar cane and new technologies in the production of sugar, particularly the production of organic sugar. It is necessary to emphasize that this Plant is the only one in our country and one of the few ones existing in the World dedicated to the research and development of the sugar agribusiness. At present, after a recent modernization of some of its facilities, it is been working in a Project of Research and Development related to the evaluation of new varieties of cane and that will allow to study properly the behavior of these varieties in the industrial conditions.

Other projects relative to the use of the energetic potential of the bagasse, as well as its derivatives hold a promising future for the activities of the José Martí Sugar Pilot Plant, that has fulfilled successfully all its functions during 40 years, both, in its contribution of professionals' formation and with the process of improvement so necessary for the sugar agribusiness of Cuba and the World