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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

The Publishing Committee of “Centro Azúcar” Journal reserves full or partial reproduction rights of the material as
well as the right of accepting or rejecting it. It also reserves the right to make any editorial changes it deems
appropriate. In this case, the author will receive written recommendations of the evaluators. If accepted, you will
deliver the item with the suggested adjustments within the fixed dates by the Journal to guarantee its publication
within the programmed number.
“Centro Azúcar” themes
Centro Azúcar publishes original papers, review articles and short communications in Spanish or English on a
quarterly basis (January-April-July-October) related to sugar cane industry and its derivatives, biofuels obtaining and
technical, economic, environmental and social problems of its operation and development, chemical processes in
general and derivatives, simulation and optimization of processes, environmental management, chemical engineering
in general and it has a miscellaneous section.
Process for the paper publication
Sending manuscripts: manuscripts should be sent to the Journal email (, employing the
Journal template (maximum 12 pages), which can be accessed at
Once we have received the paper, a receipt will be sent electronically in order to be evaluated with an edition code that
must be preserved by the authors. Papers submitted must be original and not be published or running for another
Journal. Once received the letter, the arbitration process begins. The authors must send the contact data of two possible
proposals of expert evaluators in the subject in question, who have a scientific title of Ph.D. and who are not of their
same affiliation, which will be assessed as possible arbitrators. They will undergo a review by two or more arbitrators
for the "open peer review" system; and the publishers. Once valued we will let the author know of the evaluation
results, published unchanged, published with modifications or not published at all. Each paper will be subjected to a
maximum of three (3) forwards if it requires corrections by the authors. Once they approved it will be sent to the
authors an acceptance letter and placement in the corresponding installment.
Centro Azúcar Journal is in favor of Open Science, and therefore receives manuscripts from preprint repositories, and
promotes research data placement in dataservers among other manifestations. It is in favor of open peer review.
The Publishing Committee to consider any paper for it further publication in Centro Azúcar Journal, it must follow
certain regulations: Papers must be written in Microsoft Word for Windows, normal 12 font size in Times New
Roman, and one and a half line spacing. It must consist of the following parts: Title, Authors with their ORCID iD,
Structured Abstract, Keywords, these last four also in Spanish, and Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and
Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if applicable), Bibliographic References, Conflict of Interest and
Authors' Contributions.
The paper should be divided into numbered sections clearly defined, from the Introduction to the Conclusions. The
sub-sections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2,...), etc. The, abstract, acknowledgments and references are not
included in section numbering.
• Title, abstract and keywords must be written in English and Spanish. The title should be explanatory and
preferably short (no more than 18 words). The abstract, of approximately 250 words, should be the synthesis
of the manuscript. Acronyms, abbreviations should not be used and the language must be technical and
precise, including the methodology, results and conclusions. Both should be written in third person.
Keywords: keywords should be separated by semicolon (;) and not exceed 6; reflect all the work, allowing its
classification and set out in alphabetical order.
• Authors should appear below the title, one below the other with their ORCID iD. If authors are from several
institutions after each name a number will appear in superscript with the indicator of the institution to which it
belongs and the country. An asterisk will exposed the author to whom the correspondence should be
addressed; his electronic address must appear in first page footer as it found on paper template. Following and
below the list of authors will appear the number followed by the referred author's institution, postal address.
• Introduction, brief, with the exposed problems, the article objective must appear as introduction final topic. It
should not contain tables or figures.
• Materials and Methods must be written in third person; it must appear followed methodologies and the main
aspects of the investigation. In field experiments, the experimental design and the soil and climatic
characteristics of the site should appear. The statistical package used and evaluated components should appear.
The international system of units of measurement and chemical nomenclature is used. Equations should be
"all" written with the equations editor of Word, in the appropriate place in the text, centered and numbered
consecutively with Arabic numerals in parentheses.
• Results and Discussion The research results must be specific and supported by tables and figures. Discussion
of the results in comparison with those presented by other authors may appear. There must be differences
between treatments and the corresponding statistics should appear. a. Tables will appear above named with
consecutive Arabic numerals; the title will be in normal 11 font size in Times New Roman. They must be in
the text where appropriate, after the reference. If there are any abbreviations, they should be referred under the
table in a legend in 10 font size. b. Figures should be made in Word or Excel for Windows, (originals), it can
be in color. The title of the figure should appear below it, with the same writing regulation of the tables’ title.
c. Photos if required, these must be of excellent quality in color or black and white and with good contrast
between them and the author of this picture. Decimal numbers should be separated by period and only are
accepted separated by commas if the paper is in Spanish.
• Conclusions should express concretely and synthesized the results.
• References (see regulations below).
• Conflict of Interest should appear very clear if there is any kind of conflict of interest or not.
• Authors' Contributions It will briefly indicate how each author contributed to article realization. Other
components that can be considered optional are:
• Acknowledgements: if any, they should preferably be brief and include the essential inputs for the
development work.
• Brief Communications will have the same requirements as those for the title, bibliographic regulations and
conclusions. They will not have specific part at all. Propose up to three key words of the same.
Bibliographic references:
In all papers, bibliographic references should be included at the end of the paper and pointing them in alphabetical
order within the document like this: for example, Morrell (1984), when it is a single author; (Lozano and Ramirez,
2012), when they are two authors, when more than two and (Sabadi et al., 2013) if it is in English and (Sabadi and
col., 2013) if it's in Spanish. The bibliographic references used in each of the scientific communications, and
which have a source (scientific journals, websites, other resources, including most books) from 2015 onwards
must be accompanied by their electronic location (URL or DOI). The basic standards required for the structure of
this bibliography can be interpreted in the following examples; you should only refer to the cited bibliography within
the paper:
• Journal papers:
Salvador, C.A., Albernas, Y., Mesa, L., García, A., Villamarín, E., Pibaque, R.J., & González, E., Obtaining the
kinetic parameters of the enzymatic hydrolysis of sugarcane bagasse using a new enzyme mixture from commercial
Aspergillus niger and a local strain of Bacillus subtilis (Bal3). Afinidad, Vol. 78, No. 592, 2021, pp. 54-61.
Ferreira, R.G., Azzoni, A.R., & Freitas, S., On the production cost of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes., Biofuels,
Bioproducts and Biorefining, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2020, pp. 85–99.
• Books:
Morrell, I., Tecnología Azucarera., Vol. 1, Editorial Feijóo, Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas, 1984, pp.
Tyagi, S., Lee, K.J., Mulla, S.I., Garg, N., & Chae, J.C., Production of Bioethanol from Sugarcane Bagasse: Current
Approaches and Perspectives., Applied Microbiology and Bioengineering, Elsevier: Academic Press, 2019, pp. 21-42.
• Patents:
Zudkevitch, H., Extraction and/or extractive distillation of low molecular weight alcohols from aqueous solutions.,
United States Patent, 4,428,798., January 1984.
• Reports:
Book, E., Bratman, H., Using compilers to build compilers., Special Publications 176, Santa Mónica, Calif., Systems
Development Corp., Ag., 1960, pp. 1-3.
• Memoirs:
Sabadí, R., Garrido, N., Pello, D., Bagasse and trash based cogeneration in a new industrial complex., Memoirs of XII
International Congress on Sugar and Sugarcane Derivatives, DIVERSIFICATION 2013, Hotel Nacional, La Habana,
October 2013, pp. 455-464
• Degree thesis or project:
Albernas, Y., Procedimiento para la síntesis y el diseño óptimo de plantas discontinuas de obtención de bioetanol
empleando bagazo de caña de azúcar., Thesis presented in option Scientific Degree of Ph.D. in Technical Sciences,
Chemical Engineering Specialty in Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas, Cuba, 2014.
For more information:
Send an E-mail to: or visit the Centro Azúcar Journal website:

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.