Evaluation of the environmental impact of cubilote slags of the ¨Román Roca¨ casting


  • Elisa Cedeño Linares División de Talleres “Enrique Villegas Martínez”, Circunvalación Norte, entre Carretera Central y Subplanta. Santa Clara. Villa Clara
  • Amado Cruz-Crespo Centro de Investigación de Soldadura (CIS) de la Universidad Central de las Villas
  • Lorenzo Perdomo González Centro de Investigación de Soldadura (CIS) de la Universidad Central de las Villas
  • Alejandro Simón La Rosa División de Talleres “Enrique Villegas Martínez”, Circunvalación Norte, entre Carretera Central y Subplanta. Santa Clara. Villa Clara
  • Rubén Jerez Pereira Departamento de Mecanización. Universidad de Granma. Bayamo, Granma
  • Arnaldo Baños Empresa de Materiales de la Construcción. Santa Clara, Villa Clara.


impacto ambiental, hornos de cubilote


At the work was established a valuation of the environmental impact of a cubilote furnace slag, hich is widely used in casting parts for sugar industry. A diagnostic of the present state of the spilling of slag to the environment was made and was valuated the potentiality of recycle it like a source of row materials. The evaluation of the environmental impact was made, from the importance matrix, the impacted factors and the impacting actions. As an example the case of the Foundry Enterprises “Enrique Villegas Martinez”, belonging to the Minister of the Sugar Industry, was showed.


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How to Cite

Cedeño Linares, E., Cruz-Crespo, A., Perdomo González, L., Simón La Rosa, A., Jerez Pereira, R., & Baños, A. (2013). Evaluation of the environmental impact of cubilote slags of the ¨Román Roca¨ casting. Centro Azúcar Journal, 40(1). Retrieved from http://centroazucar.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/centro_azucar/article/view/283



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