About the Journal

The quarterly journal of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, Centro Azúcar, was founded in 1973 and it publishes scientific articles about the production of sugar and other related topics. Specialists of great experience and prestige arbitrate the journal.

e-ISSN: 2223-4861 │ p-ISSN: 0253-5777 │ RNPS:0179 │ RNSP:2152


Access conditions

Centro Azúcar is a journal of open access, which takes as a Mission and Targets to publish free scientific original articles, of short communications and review, translated into Spanish and English. These articles should be unpublished, related to the publication of topics of the Industry of sugar-cane and its derivatives, the biofuels production, the technical, economic, environmental and social problems of its operation and development, the chemical processes in general and derivatives, the simulation and optimization of processes, the environmental management, Chemical Engineering in general and Miscellany. The journal does not charge for the mailing or publication of the manuscripts that receives and the whole content that is published is freely available, without any cost for the user or his institution. The users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, translate, look for or link the finished texts of the articles that are published. This is in accordance with the definition BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) of open access.

Centro Azúcar Journal is in favor of Open Science, and therefore receives manuscripts from preprint repositories, and promotes research data placement in dataservers among other manifestations. It is in favor of open peer review.

Information about the publications

The Centro Azúcar Journal publishes in the Spanish language, with the abstract in the English language, scientific articles related to the technology, cultivation of sugarcane, machinery, energetics, organization and management of the sugar productions and its derivatives. In its digital version, the scope is extended towards topics related to the environment and miscellaneous sections extended towards renewable energies, oil and petrochemistry. The Editorial Board of the journal will be grateful for the mailing of specialists' collaborations in these subjects. The publishers will do their biggest effort to assure the fair and independent review from the sent contributions. The proposals of new theories and their application to the practice are very welcome. Experimental results and their scientific discussion are also of very good acceptance for the readership of the journal.

Conditions for the acceptance of Works

Original articles: they must be finished works with special importance and must be presented in a clear and concise form.

Reviews: The authors of articles to be reviewed must consult previously the publishers to know the possible acceptance of the topic in question.

Short communications: Short communications of investigations will be accepted in the incipient condition and with potential for their diffusion across the journal.