Letter to the Contributors

Dear colleagues, collaborators of our Journal, Databases and Institutions

The Centro Azúcar journal in cialis pharmacie has made significant changes in the last years, many of them undoubtedly to improve its work system and especially to continue increasing its quality and management in the publication of sciences.

The publication of the topics related to the Industry of sugar-cane and its derivatives, the biofuel production, the technical, economic, environmental and social problems of its operation and development, the chemical processes in general and derivatives, the simulation and optimization of processes, the environmental management, Chemical Engineering in general and Miscellany has done of this Magazine the guarantee to announce its scientific results.

Centro Azúcar has recaptured its indexers and suggests others of higher regional and international index. For this reason we are sending to you, annexed to this document, the new instructions to the authors and the arbitration worksheet by which our referees are ruled.

We have made changes in the receiving and acceptance of the manuscripts, as well as in the treatment in every step of the same ones, being more severe in the acceptance cialis generique of the contributions that will be spread by this one.

Also we ask you to consult our electronic version http://centroazucar.uclv.edu.cu and you will be able to obtain a lot more information and have open access to the released articles. We hope you assume these changes in the interest of improving our Journal every day.

PhD. Yailet Albernas Carvajal
“Centro Azúcar” Magazine Editor"

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Central University “ Marta Abreu “ of Las Villas

Camajuaní Street km 5 ½, Santa Clara, Cuba
Phone.: (53)-(42)-211825, 26, 281164, ext 104, CP: 54830
Emails: yailetac@uclv.edu.cu; centroazucar@uclv.cu